worm 26 November 2008
I have had a week of squirmy stuff – mostly just thoughts BUT there have been some dreams that were a little too real for words. Mostly the dreams were stuff that could have happened to me in my waking hours so I resent them greatly for having a presence in my sleep too – example: tales of builders doing all sorts and, later in the dream, me running through airports having not quite made my plane/flight. Last night’s doozy was one where I sat on the hugest plane ever and it was like a bad hairdressers but I had left a coat and hat beyond check-in and HAD to get them before take-off and still maybe score a good seat on the plane (which was quite frankly a school hall…) Anyhow, marry to all this to a sight from a website that I saw tonight – an operation on a woman’s brain where the doctors were expecting a tumour and instead found a LIVE WORM and the message from everyone, including the woman, is WASH YOUR HANDS – I am off to do just that now…