words 10 December 2009
I am having trouble with words today – it’s a matter of how many, as usual. To be honest I did some really good ones – all in a row (I think…) – but the word count doesn’t make me feel all like I’ve achieved Novel Nirvana or anything for this day…however, I was given a great book of poems by Billy Collins an amazing American poet that I had (also amazingly) not read before (I do feel so ignorant – the man is poet laureate of New York State!!!) and the inspiration from within is wondrous and a matter of hope – I must thank Aileen Bennett for the gift – she is mum of the wonderful boy (johnny) who plays Liam Gallagher in SHAMELESS. Poetry has got me out of quite a few life and work holes, I can tell you all – make of that what you will…
On a practical level, I found it hard to express myself coherently on even a mundane level today too, and also found myself making 2 trips up and down the stairs at work every time one trip would have done because I was half-cocked all day – ooh, er, MATRON! but true, nonetheless