wine 23 December 2009
There was a mass suicide attempt here in Odessa yesterday as myself and Richard tried to kill ourselves through the medium of French red wine and a pit stop at EXIT, for a pint of local beer. We were largely unsuccessful but are mere shadows of our former magnificence today.
The thaw is on outside and the snow will be gone by this afternoon I’d say. it’s a balmy 4 degrees now.
I cannot believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Celebrations here will be in the New Year and Christmas doesn’t really feature so it’s a bit strange. I will even have a Russian lesson on the day itself! I feel odd to be away as I am mindful of each year passing and the sadness that there is always someone missing after another 12 months. And it took till yesterday for me to settle into this break at all, but settle I have and hopefully I won’t drink as much good cheer by way of celebration today…though a cure might be in order later after ‘school’. Speaking of which I was also too drunk to do my homework so best get stuck into that now (bah humbug)