victim 7 November 2008
The first real victim of the build here in Dublin i snow named – tis the G! she’s been sneezing the last two days and has had a bit of a bark/cough from time to time over the past weeks (nothing that couldn’t be put down to a hair-ball travelling back to the world, till today). Turns out (after an extremely expensive trip to the vet where she got a few sundries checked and looked after) she MAY have a mild upper respiratory infection BUT more than likely she has an allergy to all the dust in the house at present. Poor puss. Me? I take an anti-histamine – cat? Pauline whisks her off to the vet.
My musings must be more powerful than I had previously thought because the bump of which I wrote yesterday (and who was not due till the 12th or so) decided to join us this morning in an entry his Mum said was fast and furious. Haven’t told her about the Christmas plans yet – will keep my powder dry awhile but NO doubt she’ll be at least stunned if not…em, moved by my ideas. Congrats to all involved – if he is anything like his parents he will be tall and VERY good looking – indeed, they are very delighted with him already.
Microwaved a chicken tonight cos the cooker is disconnected (probably till the new one arrives mid december). I wanted to give the G a treat and hide a tablet in her dinner so it had to be irresistible = roast chicken. Looked it up on the interweb and hey presto tis a sinch. Ain’t nuthin we can’t do when we put our minds to it…
My brother Ian and, his lovely bride of 25 years, Curly are off on their celebratory trip to Las Vegas tomorrow where I know they will have a wonderful time. They’re gonna gamble on the one-armed bandits, take a gondola ride through the venetian style hotel and go to Tom Jones for starters. It does sound like the most incredible place, on all levels. Apparently even a saunter through a shopping mall needn’t mean you leave your hotel and will probably take two days.