verbs 9 December 2008
He returns, she returns, they return – tis like one of my Russian lessons but NO – the agency has returned from Odessa (pronounced adYESsa, in case you want to know – and thank goodness there are none of my hard Ls in there – you know what I mean if you’ve been following the blog). Anyhow, it’s Himself’s birthday too so, as far as I could, I bedecked the hall with boughs of balloons that said HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY – closest I could find to the real occasion (almost).
Am going to have a new sort of haircut for me tomorrow – if there can be anyhting new in as much as the hair is going to be CUT, so…Anyhow, am going to a natural cut guy who won’t wash it – so, I suppose I will beforehand? – he’ll look, study and then do his best – I wish him luck – I don’t have great hair…fine…limp…mousey…crikey, I’m getting worried now…ah well, it’ll grow back…SLOWLY…
The book of Irish blogging, for which I wrote an intro, is out today – it’s called HOMEPAGES and is available on LULU for one – proceeds go to FOCUS IRELAND which helps the homeless and couldn’t BE a better charity.