verandah 25 December 2009
Well, how odd is my Christmas? I got up at 9 and did my homework, went to 2 hours of Russian class (with the lovely Tatiana who really did despair of my not grasping the third group of verbs and their roots and conjugation – or ‘conjuring’ as I am so glad she called it cos there is an element, far as I am concerned, of wanting MAGIC to happen that you might remember sounds, verbs, words ANYTHING in this language! A fine lunch in Verandah (duck – you’ll not find turkey here, I don’t think) and now we are checking out some bars mentioned on a Russian site citing (see? SEE what I did there???) bars and restaurants to visit in Odessa and much more updated than any of the ones in English.
So, to report on another we found last night – an ‘Art Cafe’ that had lots of recently published books, including a version of Flann O’Brien’s THE THIRD POLICEMAN, in a handsome edition, and a Gunther Grass whom I haven’t read in any other language BUT here’s the kicker – I read the 2 first lines in Russian and recognised tenses, cases, words and nearly SO nearly got what was being said!! By the way, the hardbacks were selling at 12 grv which is JUST over a euro…value for money or what!
Have a great day to all those who celebrate it and to all others ‘have a good time…ALL the time’ (spinal tap)