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welcome to the official website of Pauline McLynn

valentine 14 February 2010

I think Valentine’s Day is a load of old cobblers but, then again, I probably would…not that romance is entirely dead but I really do think it puts massive pressure on people to ‘do’ something rather than having it happen organically. And, goes without saying, it smacks of a money making exercise (although, there, I appear to have said it!). Anyhow, in our house, the most giving gesture of the day was Richard not driving to Cork to see a client’s gig (he has already seen the show a number of times) but instead sticking around for me to pick at him. Mind you, on this day of day’s, do you really want to hear your husband say ‘and another controversial thing, Pauline, is that you are wearing my pashmina’. Might I also add to the picture that the item is a fairly bright and shocking pink and almost definitely intended for women to wear. Now, don’t get me wrong on this, I am the woman who has bought that man every pink shirt he owns (love a pink shirt on a man) including one that’s got cerise polka dots in the design…just saying, is all…And yes, I’ve handed the pashmina back to him now…