useless 26 November 2008
I am becoming increasingly useless as time goes on – this is something that is perhaps to be expected as this old gal ages. However, it’s reached all time highs recently. I am failing to join up ideas in spectacular ways now and only ever realise what I should have done in any given situation just as it’s on the cusp of being too late which still has that tantalising margin of ‘I nearly made it but didn’t’ attached – case in point: I was in London for 2 days and had hoped to go to the Belorussian Embassy to apply for visas but Rich’s new passport isn’t ready so that didn’t happen BUT what I neglected to work out before I left again was that I could have gone and collected the forms for same as doubtless these will need to be signed by both of us and we won;t both be going to the Embassy to get the effin things…DUH!
At tonight’s Russian lesson, via Skype, I couldn’t pronounce the letter L properly – it can change a little depending on its circumstance in a word but honestly I’d‘ve thought I had a few variations on that theme in me…no, apparently. Disaster.
And I just KNOW there’s something else relevant to all of this that I had to tell ye but guess what? GONE! it’s disappeared into the mush that is now resident in my head.
Unless there’s worm up there…or a little alien has taken over…or the cat has been stealing my thoughts as I sleep*…