trains 4 January 2009
I slept with 3 men today…only one of them my husband…I blame him for it all – when we bought our train tickets it didn’t occur to us (cos we is idiots) that the train would be a ‘sleeper’ – it was (left at 5.15am OF COURSE IT WAS!) – we joined the Moscow to Kalinningrad train for the Minsk to Vilnius section and had to share a couchette with 2 Russian men – grand, but I really like to choose the people I share such close quarters with…anyhow, the Snorer clearly knew he was such and headed off to another place to snore (must have dropped a few quid to the devooshka in charge cos she wouldn’t even let me sit in the unused compartment next to ours) and all was well till he had to rejoin us at the Lithuanian border and the noise was shared. In the meantime, the other lad was grand but purred a bit and was clearly a smoker so there was a bit of a whiff in the air…
Lithuanians are not half as friendly as the Belarussian we had become accustomed to (a lovely bunch, I must say) and they sure don’t believe in a queue.
On the plane from Vilnius to Dublin the pilot threatened to divert to Copenhagen to throw off a male passenger who was passing around leaflets in spite of the fact the cabin crew told him not to and he darkly hinted there were others not behaving either.
Showed my passport to at least 3 countries worth of immigration types today and for the first time in 9 days heard the phrase ‘go on go on go on’ from the final Irish lad…yup, I’m home…