this night 5 December 2008
Well, the Husband is in Odessa and I’m going to Odessa in a little while and yet we shall not meet this night. How so? I hear you ask, in some astonishment. Here’s how it is – he is in Odessa, Ukraine, with the rest of the staff of the agency where he works and the abandoned partners, and half of the accounts department (Clare, who could not go due to prior commitments), are having dinner in a restaurant/club of the same name in Dubbalin’s Towin. We are going to, as our great leader Eddie Bannon has pronouced, ‘mank the shit out of Christmas’. I like a good mank, it seems – or Eddie certainly tells me I do and have done and that’s exactly what I fear…I rather suspect I have had many’s the good mank but have now no recall of them, nor never did (if you catch my meaning). I shall try to be good and moderate as the builders will be here at 7am as usual and me having a hangover won’t stop the work (thank goodness). I shall report all after the event, such as I remmebr it. Already I know there are plans to email photos of us in action to Ukraine tonight with captions like ‘Odessa is lovely this time of year’ and ‘Wish you were here’ (though we’ll probably look like we wish no such thing…)
I have that Killer’s song going through my head incessantly – ‘are we human or are we dancer?’ – but in my head it’s ‘are we human or are we chancers…’