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welcome to the official website of Pauline McLynn

the nukies 16 May 2008

When we were kids one of my mother’s favourite subjects re conspiracy theories and the end of the world was The Nukies. We don’t really seem to hear so much about that anymore – yes, the odd time when Korea or Bangladesh test a bomb – oh, and wasn’t there a theory about a 45 minute attack from Iraq or somewhere like that that led to a war? I am writing this in the lounge of a hotel in Fowey in Cornwall, where I will be giving a wee talk at the Daphne du Maurier festival in the morning and remembering that the last time I was here I was sent to St Austell to do a radio interview with the BBC but it was in an unmanned bit of the station in the basement, which was also a nuclear shelter. I felt like the last woman alive. I had to dial out, following the instructions posted on the wall and wait to hear if ‘anyone was out there.’ They were. When I was finished I wandered out past the metal bunkbeds and empty kitchens and left, and no one saw me do so. I wonder when they checked to make sure I’d made it out…the rest of the staff were up two floors and I wasn’t their responsibility. I think in the event of a nuclear attack, although I know where I could find shelter, I shall reach for many fine wines (and whatever else I can lay hands on) and go gently that way.

Marc Almond was playing in the festival marquee tonight and he sounded great from my room.