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welcome to the official website of Pauline McLynn

the lights 20 December 2008

An unexpected and fabulous architectural joke has emerged in the house – there are various new lights adorning various rooms but one set is a double spotlight which is called…wait for it…a Go On!!!! YES, the ex Mrs Doyle has go ons in her house and best of all is that in the dining area there are three sets so I can look up and point and say ‘go on, go on, go on’ – how BRILLIANT is that?!

Less brilliant is the fact that it won’t all be done by Christmas – we’ll have enough to create an oasis in the building site so it’ll be a bit ‘spirit of the Blitz’ – the meal I cook better be DAMN fine to distract the wandering eye and I have taken the step of ordering enough ‘fine wine’ and fizz to dampen down any curiosity from the visitors too!