the city 30 October 2008
The things you learn…I was filming a piece of satire about the economic crisis today and before we got on camera we were discussing matters financial. We wondered where the gold ingots propping up the country were and how many are left, because some of them were sold off a while back, I seem to remember. They are housed in the vaults of the Bank of England, of course. Now, seems the B of E was mooted for a move to The City some time ago, specifically the Canary Wharf region of the Docklands, where a lot of banks and financial businesses are based. But this was abandoned as an idea because architects said the foundations would sink under the weight of the gold as the reclaimed land is unstable. So there you have it – unstable in a physical as well as metaphorical way. All we need to know, really…
As to the continuing fallout from Manuelgate – I can’t help thinking that if the whole thing had actually been FUNNY there might have been less comment. And certain people might still be in jobs. But as bad as it all was, and inexcusable, there is a taint of trial by tabloid about the whole episode that makes me deeply uneasy…
And as for some of your suggestions that I be the next Timelord – I LIKE HOW YOU’RE THINKING