the acting 24 March 2008
There are times when you see a performance so true and wonderful you are totally engrossed in it and enthralled by it and delighted by it…and it makes you feel like giving up. I felt that way when I saw Philip Seymour Hoffman in CAPOTE, and tonight after Daniel Day Lewis in THERE WILL BE BLOOD. He inhabited the character. He was, IS Daniel Plainview. He drank the milkshake all up*. Amazing. And it looked so effortless (notwithstanding how purely physical and violent the action was). Wow. That is what we strive for and so rarely achieve. I am almost depressed by how perfect the performance was.
*when you see it, you will know…
Having seen it now, I agree with the Oscar wins for him as Best Actor but NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN as Best Film. And Best Direction to the Coens for the latter.
I look forward to hearing what you all think.