thaw 24 December 2009
The snow has been thawing over the last few days in Odessa and the biggest feature of that was the noise. It sounded like rain lashing down except it was from roofs and gutters in the eaves and not from the sky. Strange and wonderful.
I hadn’t realised, when i wrote about it, what a good excuse being hungover was for not doing homework. It beats the dog ate it into a cocked hat. As it happens I am again attempting it with a bit of a head on me – myself and Himself have been a tiny bit of a disgrace for 2 days running and it’ll have to stop. There are dark mutterings of a long walk after school today.
Which brings me to another strange thing – I believe it’s Christmas Eve for many of you out there. I have to keep reminding myself of it. Celebrations here will be in the New Year as Christmas doesn’t feature heavily. So, after doing my home work, I’ll take my penultimate 2 hour Russian lesson, probably do the threatened walk out the coast, have lunch and hopefully do a bit of novel writing. I sort of yearn for a glass of champagne by the fire at home or out with friends but it ain’t gonna happen. And without the G cat to grace my lap it might not be all I imagined anyhow.
Have a great one y’all and I’ll be in touch tomorrow (when I will be getting ready to take my final Russian lesson – on a Christmas Day!!! who’d‘a thunk it??)