taxi 24 January 2009
can’t say more than i accidentally went to a 40th birthday after a tv show tonight (a great and true friend but i had forgotten it was a big day, she didn’t mention it – deliberately – AND i refuse to acknowledge THAT age for her – ramifications my sweets RAMIFICATIONS)
ANYHOW, the tv show was to promote OCTOBER and i think all went well…well, i have proof – when in the taxi and nearing home and in a discussion about beer (the driver says SPATEN is veh veh fine) he took a look in his mirror and said ‘my wife rang me an hour ago and told me we are going to a show you are in’ – off the back of the tv appearance! i feel my remit is now complete (well, there’s the small matter of learning lines and not bumping into bits of the set…but…maneagable…i hope…)
‘nuff said.
sorry about the lack of capitals – take it up with my 40 year old friend (Orla O’Kelly, for those of you who know her…)