sunny 22 December 2008
I don’t feel at all Christmassy. Well, why would I, I suppose, when the house is still full of builders. Also today was sunny in the way that our Summer was not (I regretted not having sunglasses with me) and it just doesn’t seem like December. In fact, I saw a woman walk into a shop from outdoors and she was wearing a short sleeved teeshirt and she didn’t look like she was a lunatic or anything. Tomorrow I am going to try to clean some vital spaces in the bombsite that is our house. I have bought anti-histamines in expectation of a streaming nose and itchy eyes and I will have to beg a new inhaler from the pharmacist. I can’t believe that ‘The Day’ is upon us and that I am off to Minsk with Himself on Saturday. I am vastly unprepared for EVERYTHING although I have done all the gift getting and wrapping, and am smugly delighted with my bargains and how nice all of the little votives are.