sunday 2 November 2008
I can’t understand how anyone who has a choice would want to get up early on a Sunday. Perhaps that’s also because, given the chance, I am the most slothful woman in the world and see no need to get up early any morning unless there’s paid work involved. As you all know, my premium amount of sleep is currently a tight ten hours…But above all of this is the fact that Sunday is a lazy day. Even if you have religious observances there is still time for relaxing. And so it was with myself, Himself and The G today – aside from the religious observance bit (although the cat was missing in pursuit of her own action/inaction most of the day so who knows what she was up to, and Richard is a strict observer of sport and that most foolish of all of them was on today…a Grand Prix – seventh heaven for him). And yet I know people who will have been ‘up n at em’ from cock crow. Actually, come to think of it, they’re probably right to make the most of their day, especially in their way as, it should be respected, I did in mine. I am VERY good at just lolling, reading, emailing, and rustling up a few meals…after that precious 10 hours (necessary) sleep. Bliss. Long live sundays.
Next week, since you ask, the water and heating are off tues – thurs inclusive – yippee…As for tomorrow, no word yet of the delights – I’ll keep ye informed…