set 21 March 2008
i often wonder if i am set in my ways. i hope not and like to think i can embrace change and, when it suits me, i guess i do (yep, i’m a realist and i’ve known me for 45+ years now so i hope there are few enough surprises left at this stage…i mean that in a good way, don’t want to drift into boredom or complacency)…BUT there are some things that we all hold dear: like which side of the bed to sleep on. and yet, i have just discovered i am a flake…in dublin, i inhabit the left hand side of the bed and in london the right…though both are nearest the door. now, i am not a one who notices such fripperies and care less, but having just thought about it i realise that this is where i have ended up by accident and yet it looks like design. method in the madness? perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
sorry about the lack of capitals but i just couldn’t be arsed ce soir – must be an ‘easter’ thing…