season finale 31 December 2012
hard to believe it is time to bid goodbye to 2012. it wasn’t the worst of them, all told. and the run up to it has been quite lovely for me – basically, after working all hours till xmas to finish and despatch the festive gifts GO ONs, i hid at the Dublin home for the rest of the ‘season’ and ate lovely things and watched a lot of football (while working on the new 2013 tea cozies). really, really lovely and peaceful and enjoyable.
i also deleted all of the emails in the inbox of my main account, by accident, and that has been strangely liberating – probably because everyone is on hols and so none of them truly mattered that much anyhow. nice bit of perspective dealt out to me and it means that i am having fun every so often looking through the virtual trash and choosing what to reinstate. letting go is v v cathartic and productive, though, and surely has a tinge of a life lesson there too?
i hope you will all have a very happy, peaceful and prosperous new year – if not a preposterous one!
so, farewell 2012 and welcome 2013…let’s see what you got…