sculpture 28 November 2008
I’ve just remembered that The Mammy used to make fibreglass sculptures when she was a student (same time as me and the bros were at second level) This was all under the tutelage of the lovely Loughlin Hoare who passed away recently and who I wrote to you all about. Anyhow, those were early days in the art department of Galway Regional Technical College and they learned from their (many) mistakes as they went along. (I’ve asked her about the pong and she says I’ll certainly know when the offending shower tray goes in). I recall our bath at home having a fibreglass representation of a female torso in it for a LONG time. Herself was trying to soak it to see if that would loosen the mould that still clung to it long after she had supposedly released it into the artistic community. Then she heard that a suede brush was a hardy thing and might be just what needed to slough off the mould so we were charged with ‘having a go’ at the torso after any bathroom activity. (Strikes me that we mustn’t have washed properly for some weeks around then). Anyhow, nothing could shift the bits of mould and in the end she sprayed the thing gold and hoped examiners would think it’s roughness all deliberate and some gritty comment on female sexuality in seventies Ireland…