rubik cube 17 January 2009
I could never manage to solve a Rubik cube at all ever – though my cousins the Hamills were whizzo at them. The puzzle seems to have made a comeback though I don’t think I’ll be any better at it this time out. I just saw a great thing on Irish tv now about a young fella that’s fantastic with them He uses mini cubes to make pictures and he has embarked on a portrait of Barack Obama which looks really fantastic. Apparently it’s a bit of a craze, to make art with the cubes (he buys his in bulk online from China) and it’s known as Rubikcubism.
Accidentally coinciding with the stormy weather today was a flood in the house – lovely. We immediately thought the roof had sprung a leak. Turns out the water tank in the attic didn’t (still doesn’t) have an overflow pipe and the ballcock was the only thing keeping water out of the interior of the gaff – that broke today and the water came streaming down. Just another little smack across the face.
I was amazed and delighted by the pictures of the plane in the Hudson River with passengers all along the wings waiting for rescue. But it’s a real sign of the times when a plane CRASH can be the best news around…(however happy the ending*) *unless you are a Canada Goose