review 9 January 2009
Well, a review of MISSING YOU ALREADY so good it looks like I wrote it myself appeared in the Irish Times today – I didn’t write it (in case you are wondering) but I’m chuffed as hell that someone ‘got’ the book so well. If you’d like a look it’s on
End of first week of rehearsals today – we are half way through making out what moves we might make and I head into repacking my life away (builders are back Monday) while thinking I must read the play again with totally new eyes…and yet there is SO MUCH ELSE that needs to be done – am vaguely resenting the return of the builders cos they should be long gone by now and I shouldn’t be coming home to a SITE each evening and also be woken up at least an hour and a half before I’d like to each morning…but dems da breaks…