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pilates 19 November 2009

Sally Carman who plays Kelly, lewd lady of the parish of Chatsworth, has organised a weekly pilates class and I have been presss ganged into attednign (she is formidable and in fairness I am hoping for a bit of definition and tone on the slimmer body I now have). I have to say out loud it ain’t natural. As I fall over each and every time (I am clearly an unbalanced woman…) I ask aloud ‘tell me again what animal in nature does this??’ I have yet to receive an answer. Last week I felt grand after the class, and a bit achey the following day (in a kinda good way) and then on Saturday morning I had to roll out of bed as to sit up and get out was an impossibility. We have just had this weeks class so I am already getting ready for a weekend of looking like an elderly old dear who is carrying an injury.

As for the football match France V Ireland (World Cup Qualifier) – we were ROBBED and Thierry Henri, who was a bit of a poster boy for me till now, is no longer welcome in my affections…HANDBALL!!!!! The sooner there is video playback in football to aid referees and linesmen make correct decisions, and to correct wrong ones (as there is in rugby) the better.