OZ 16 April 2010
Himself is in Australia and 11 hours ahead. He is in our tomorrow, we in his yesterday. So, I wondered if he did something there and got on a fast plane home, with a good tail wind and going in the appropriate direction around the world, might he get here ahead of his own Antipodean deed and be able to deal with its consequences? It’s a big question and if the answer is ‘yes’ I feel I may have cracked the 4th dimension, or the time/space continuum (if indeed that is a mystery – well, it is to me so that must count) or perhaps the theory of relativity (I know that’s done on a regular basis by brainboxes, but not the likes of me…)
Meanwhile at the phone shop my SIM only contract has taken forever to process because, even though I am an existing customer and will be using all the same bank details etc, we hadn’t put my middle name onto the new form…the rejection felt overwhelming for a while but, hey, I’m so over it now.
SO, back to the major questions like why did I ever have to give my middle name for something? It’s Jennifer, by the way…