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our eurovision turkey 26 February 2008

So Ireland is sending a turkey to Eurovision. Now, I know some of you will say all of our entrants have been turkies over the last few years but I must explain that this really is a turkey – well, he’s a puppet of a turkey called Dustin. He’s an utterly popular Irish tv character and the nation is behind him (it was a public vote) though some of my Eurovision purist friends are horrified. I should probably explain that I LOVE Eurovision and am part of a coterie that text one another constantly throughout the competition each year and vote many times for our favourites. I’m between two minds about the turkey. For one thing, I haven’t heard the song but I am inclined to think that’s neither here nor there this year. We have lost our superpowers with regard to winning the thing with good songs. And the Eastern Bloc voters seem totally uninterested in engaging with us. So why not send a representative that is SO out there? He is a very witty creation and will say anything for naughtiness and a laugh and I rather think Europe will be charmed by him. I should probably mention that during a past Presedential election in Ireland he campaigned unofficially and actually beat one of the 3 political candidates in a large area of Dublin – people simply made a box with his name on it and voted. Fantastic! And you know how much I like to see a nation vote from a previous blog. Anyhow, I am wishing him the very best of luck this year. Wouldn’t it be a total blast if he got somewhere? Purists say it’s making a mockery of the event but they said that about Lordi a few years back and I saw no harm come to the competition as a result of the monsters winning. And if he brings this baby home I will have to put my name in the ring for presenting in Dublin. That would be my ultimate DREAM job…Truly…I LOVE EUROVISION