names 18 March 2008
What’s in a name? Well, quite a lot betimes. For instance, my husband, one Richard Cook, shares a name with a high ranking official in the Disney Corporation and has therefore been copied into some interesting emails as a result. Last week he got one regarding Arnold Schwarzenegger and something to do with Canada – we couldn’t figure out what the something was, but it didn’t seem like a planned invasion or anything. Mind you, if Disney were to invade Canada using cartoon characters (including Arnie?) that might be quite fun.
Sad to hear of the untimely demise of Anthony Minghella. I was introduced to him the once and in the brief encounter I had he seemed a thoroughly nice fellow. I loved THE TALENTED MR RIPLEY though never saw COLD MOUNTAIN or THE ENGLISH PATIENT (are they VERY long, as I’ll have to check them out now..)
The birds are going nuts with the nest building. I see them swoop in and out of the garden all day with twigs and all sorts. This makes March one of my favourite months to be in the garden or just looking out at it. The lads tend to be less obvious when the chicks are hatching so it’s great to get up close and personal with them now. Had a nice chat with a robin who landed by me yesterday, actually. However he wouldn’t be drawn on why he wasn’t wearing a bit of green for Paddy’s Day, but that’s robins for you: they do their own thing and hang the rest of us.