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welcome to the official website of Pauline McLynn

nails 9 April 2008

I have been a nailbiter in the past and once a nail biter always a nailbiter. I go through phases. Sometimes I leave well enough alone and I am really and truly pleased at how my hands look. And then, when I least expect it, I have a right go and cull all before me. Often right down to the quick. And while I am enjoying it I just know how sore and ugly the fingers will be, but still I cannot stop. None of this has anything to do with being stressed or bored, either. I will just find myself sitting in front of the television, say, and the hand goes into the mouth and that’ll be the start of it and, eventually, the end too. I am hoping that tonight is not gonna be one of those nights…but…those hands are just ASKING to be chewed. The only thing that may save them is that I know the Hubby will read this and be onto it like a hot snot – he hates when the nails are devastated. And, you know, so do I…HELP!