motivation 24 November 2008
Can’t get motivated about much at the moment. And anything I do actually want to do is dependent on other people having pulled their weight first. It’s both very frustrating and really quite wonderful. Though I will admit to being just a little bored now. I think I need to get back to reading books properly. I’ve got out of the habit since the COSTAs judging was dealt with – as you all know I read a LOT of books then. But I find it very difficult to concentrate when the hosue (in Dublin) is full of builders – I feel a bit in the way to be honest, and I probably am too! On Sunday I did a little extra scene in Ramsgate for THE CALLING, the movie that I play a nun in (also Brenda Blethyn, Susannah York, Rita Tushingham and Corin Redgrave, though the latter ain’t a nun in it). It was wonderful to get back onto a film set and I really got the urge to be acting a bit more regularly at the moment – but it’s a strange time of year and unless you’re in a Christmas show or Panto there’s not a LOT happening. And I don’t much like having to work solidly over the holiday period so I’d best shut up on that before I start to sound like I’m whinging (I’m not, I promise). I thought that I’d tie in the reshoot with a trip to the Belorussian Embassy in London (there isn’t one in Ireland) to get our visas for a proposed visit to Minsk over the New Year BUT I hadn’t reckoned with Richard needing a new passport. So I’m in London a little purposeless as a result. I knocked about the shops today to see what was cheap and cheerful as pressies for the festives and that was a bit depressing and it seemed just a tad early (for me) to be making such decisions. So I came home, did a little Russian homework, watched our very fuzzily-receptioned tv and have decided to give up on the day. I should have gone out to the cinema but that’s has only just this minute occurred to me – DUH! – here I am, in one of the greatest cities on earth, and that didn’t cross my mind till now – I am LOSING it I tells yez…