mojo 2 January 2010
I guess it’s a combination of things but, between being home and the weight of 2009 being lifted, I find my Happy is back. Phew! To be honest, I was worried for a while that I had sunk too far and no amount of self-reasoning would lift me out of it. I hate the end of things, especially a year, and 2009 went a tad pear-shaped for me and some of my lovelies in the final throes so I was well cheesed off with it. Now, there’s a touch of vim and vigour returning and I feel slightly, well, dangerous….beware to youse all! Hopefully this returned pluckiness will last into Day 3 of 2010 and I’ll know it wasn’t just a flash in the pan…I am that ‘up’ I am going to walk into town in the snow and brave M & S and a few more stores…I know, I KNOW, this might be a step too far, too soon…ah hell, BRING IT!