Minsk 28 December 2008
We made it to Minsk – 2 very tired Teds who needed a big lie down and mmuch sleep, which we duly got last night = huzzah! t
The city is not what we had expected at all, if first sight and a little wandering is anything to go by – it’s a lot hipper and less grey than we had expected. I think we assumed it would be a lot more ‘Soviet’ and perhaps some of it will be – we have really only seen 3 streets at this stage. Mind you, our apartment is on the main thoroughfare which is 11 kms long so when I say street I should point out that they do them big here in the centre. We thought of another good reason to be here yesterday – it seems to be the only town in the western hemisphere (and probably beyond) that doesn’t have an Irish bar – another small hurrah from us. HOWEVER the total shocker was in Warsaw when we were changing airlines and checking into the Minsk flight and there were 2 other Paddies behind us in the queue. it was a very quiet flight of 20 odd passengers which meant that 20% were Irish – eek! who could have guessed it, eh?
Will do a further report later as must get out there again now – it’s a mild minus 3 and a little snowy (minus 8 last night)