medley 2 December 2008
Did some Christmas shopping today – on a budget – not TOO depressing as there weren’t TOO many peeps around BUT already the shop I thought would solve a lot of problems is sold out of the things I wanted most – probably a good thing, too, because those things were all the ones I would have been tempted to keep for myself (that happens EVERY year – I buy things I’d like for others then cannot part with them and so the cycle of spending continues)
Got a copy of THE CAT magazine (winter edition) from Cats Protection and on page 7 is Yours Truly talking about The G – no pic of her as she is NOTORIOUSLY protective of her privacy and image ( she says SHY but I think she fears catnapping, and not of the usual afternoon kind, if she were more easily recognisable). She is quite pleased with what’s been said about her in the mag though (phew!)
Booked joiners today, both of whom SWEAR to be out by Christmas, though one has admitted it’ll be 23rd before he vamooses – grand as long as he does, work done, client happy.
Got a wee tour from the Builder of what’s already done (veh veh nice) and he also WANTS to be gone by the big C.
In other words we are all in agreement there = great.
Had a Russian lesson today where it turns out I cannot say the word FILM in Russian properly – apparently my L is too hard…holy MARY if I can’t even say a word we SHARE what HOPE is there for the rest of the language? (and don’t even get me started on the Russian…do you see? do you see what I did there??)
Will stop now as have been awake since 5.30am after the WORST ‘sleep’ ever so am a bit MAD. We have a Press Day tomorrow for the new Fiona Looney play OCTOBER (on in February, Olympia Theatre, Dublin) with a full day of interviews, chat and PHOTOS and if I look anything like today that last bit’ll be a DISASTER…
One last thing, though – isn’t it hilarious that (from a distance and not living or visiting there and all respect and commiserations with those who do) Venice is FLOODED! How can they tell???