mayhem 27 December 2008
Yup, twas PANDEEEEMONIUM on The Day but 12 of us sat down, eventually, to our Christmas turkey (way too much of everything) but I didn’t have a nanosecond to blog. A great time was had by all and there was only one injury when a sis in law ran into a wall out back (it was ‘just going that way’ apparently). Felt like a train had hit me yesterday but had a lovely gentle time with my Galway folk who came to visit. Normal blog service has probably resumed although myself and Himself are now off to Minsk (temp zero to minus 4) and are hopeful of an internet cafe somewhere or other to fulfil said remit. It’ll be interesting to see if any sites are blocked to us as Belarus is still a dictatorship and has KGB and all. I’ll report all shortly when I get the hang of it. I’, looking forward to trying out my few words of Russian and we are going to try to speak to one another in that language too (I suspect I’ll be doing a lot of dodgy mimes and pointing).The G has decided to stay at home with my Mum in situ and cat-minding (or perhaps the minding is the other way around, it’s hard to know with those older ladies). The builders will return soon and will be here another month or so (PLEASE let it all be done then!!!!)
I am totally and officially in love with my new cooker.
I hope you have all ‘survived’ and can rest now till we see another year off (hate that march of time but I have whinged enough on that subject to you before so take it as read and said).
New book out in a weeks time – oooh, so exciting!