marquee 1 May 2009
We had sea shanty singing in our lodgings last night – part of it is a pub (oh joy!). The performers stood in the bar and Simon, our landlord, declared the heavy door dividing it from the lounge to be a ‘shanty baffle’. In the event it wasn’t needed as we all sang along anyhow. We have a Simon acting in the show too and I have now deemed him Simon The Lesser to distinguish him from Mr Simon Saunders, landlord extraordinaire. I have yet to break this news to the other Simon. It may get ugly.
We did a big marquee scene today in a field above ‘our town’ and Miss Maggie Steed was bedecked in lavender – you’ll realise why when you see the series – which outfit includes one of those little arrangements that go into a hairdo, usually for a wedding or big doo – we have learned that it is called ‘a fascinator.’ Never let it be said that I don’t provide you all with gems of learning!