lee harvey oswald 3 January 2009
Here’s an interesting Minsky quirk – Lee Harvey Oswald lived here for a while in the 1960s. He was in his early 20s then. He had an apartment near the river and got a job in a local factory, married a Minsker and they had a child. He basically went native! Of course, as we all know, he returned to the US and became infamous thereafter…
We went to a theatre show last night though only stayed for half the performance (at 2 euro each it didn’t owe us a cent by then). The acting was very good but the show LIBERTINE (which I think was a version of a Moliere play – couldn’t find a programme on sale) was done on a blank, black set with a lot of mime and that doesn’t much appeal to me – I could make out bits of dialogue but there was no point in staying for the 2nd half and only getting about the same amount and we already had a fair idea what was going on (the Husband wouldn’t be a huge mime fan either). Good to have seen it though and unlike the time we saw WAITING FOR GODOT in Talinn and could tell it was shite, this was decent stuff and good performances.
Off out into our last day now – there is still much to do and plenty of things to see. Not looking forward to getting a 5.15 am train to Vilmius though…just a tad early for a gal who loves her sleep…