leak 12 January 2009
The rain has returned (with something of a vengeance) and I can hear a leak but I cannot find it…most annoying. There is a stain spreading across the bathroom ceiling alright but it doesn’t seem enough to be the dripping I hear – Richard says I may be going totally mad (in a kind of final phase way – this has been coming a while) as he is convinced the dripping is to do with the new sloping zinc roof that has replaced the old flat roof (now THAT leaked and dripped and made a mess in its day) and the fact that the guttering hasn’t been finished on it…damn him I think he’s correct but I’ll say nought just yet as I am reluctant to admit defeat (or certain madness). The builders return Wednesday(-ish?) and I’ll put The Leak on a list of things to be sorted (even if it may exist only in my scrambled head). The auld noggin is a bit muddled in general at the moment – I find the day GONE once I leave the house and even now I cannot believe it’s nearly 11.30 and I intended to be in bed an hour ago. The morning will zoom in and I’ll lurch into another day and suddenly a week will have gone and then it’ll nearly be time to panic about learning lines and TRULY nailing down Miss Fiona Looney’s play. There is also the small matter of Novel 8 not wanting to start itself (or reveal much by way of story detail at all) AND the fact that The Itchy Eye is back (also with a grudge-like quality involved). I feel like a run-down wreck and to be honest I look even worse…all in all I am finding 2009 a challenge….
I’d like to win the national lottery.