lazy 6 December 2008
SUCH a lazy day of reading, watching TV and wondering if I have a cold or if the chemical niff in the house is causing these massive sniffles. I did something I haven’t indulged in in ages which was get a fish and chips takeaway for supper. Happily (I think) it wasn’t as fab as all that so I won’t be hankering after more over the next while. The lad who served me did a brilliant ‘salnvingar?’ that I am sure staff have to practice saying to get just right. Anyhow, I got news that my new cooker is arriving next Thursday morning so I can’t wait to get back to proper cooking again – it would be nice to think I might get to try it out before I cook the in-laws their Christmas dinner…but who knows on that front…It won’t be pork that’ll be the trial dish, that’s fairly certain, as the Irish government is recalling all pork and pork products over possible contaminated feed. It’s frightening that there is still so much opportunity for toxins to enter the food chain. And, we had a roast only three nights ago here in the house, so I am feeling poisoned now (nothing to do with the top night out last night, of course). And we did have a fab time in Odessa – many laughs, drinks, and me not really saying goodnight to anyone as my alarm bell went off as we were exiting and I knew I had a limited amount of time to get home before the system crashed. In Odessa, Ukraine, my Husband was up till 4 in the morning, no less, a most unusual occurance for a man who has become quite abstemious and tends to get up early to do his Russian homework. Speaking of which, I am way behind with my own and should tackle into that now…but I’ll probably have another lovely sleep instead and deal with it in the morning..night-night all!