john mortimer 16 January 2009
SUCH a strange and unacceptable friday – the stagedoorman of the Abbey theatre (the Irish National) a man we all called Father Pat, and whose actual name was Padraig O’Faoilain, died. He was not elderly so it was a shock and unacceptable. He was a man of character and, if i dare say so, a bit of an icon and now gone.
AND THEN we hear that John Mortimer is also lost to us. Mortimer gave us a hell of a lot more than Rumpole – he was one of the fairest men on the planet and I always hope that any lawyer I know is trying to base him or herself on that man – need I say that anyone who defends the title of an LP called Never Mind the Bollocks simply because he loves ‘that’ word is a gem and don’t tell me he didn’t know every last other thing he was defending then too. I feel the civilised world has been eroded today by the passing of 2 good men – it has already been suggested by an actor friend that St Peter has serious competition now as gatekeeper on the Pearlies and I would suggest that Mortimer may take up stewardship too and let in a whole tranche that might have been refused on other days – I look forward to seeing them (SOME day) cos that’s the place I want to go now. RIP and well done, you fine men.