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welcome to the official website of Pauline McLynn

jennifer 18 April 2010

For those of you wondering why my middle name is Jennifer my understanding is that before I was born my Dad wanted to call me Pauline and my Mum favoured Jennifer and when I eventually popped out they tossed a coin and Himself won, hence Pauline Jennifer McLynn. I spent a summer on holidays at my grandparents’ house in Sligo aged 8 or so when I insisted on being called Jennifer and wouldn’t respond to anyone using the P word…but come schooltime again I reverted to Pauline. The late , great Padraig used to call me PJ from time to time, along with a range of other names – he was always changing people’s titles and once a very young cousin of mine was known variously as Naioka, Jungle Girl or Hammerhead for the duration of her stay with us.