ice cream 7 January 2013
went to my first Panto in ages yesterday. i don’t really GET pantomime, possibly because i wasn’t brought up in a tradition of going to it at festive times? also, i’ve never been in one so i haven’t experienced it from that end either. SO yesterday i went at lunchtime to the show at the Olympia in Dublin starring Jedward and written by my great mate Fiona Looney – a version of ALADDIN (with Ryan Andrews who once played my son in another Fiona Looney play, GREENER, as Aladdin – i was a v proud mum to see him be so good = a handsome acting/singing/dancing guy: he’s got it all). Loved it, really, for many different reasons. The excitement of the audience, particularly the smaller members was just infectious. The numbers were great and i genuinely JUST LOVE Jedward so it was all good for me. I still don’t really GET it all, but i was entertained for 2 hours and left with a spring in my step. Also, having missed breakfast, i ate a magnum at the interval and was astonished at how fine a brunch that can be, only 238 calories and v v delicious. what was not to love about the whole experience, eh?