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welcome to the official website of Pauline McLynn

hygiene 21 April 2010

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. In the race to finish with the copyedit* of the book I have let myself go..and how..I am largely unwashed and had 2 snoozes today because I needed them – my back was in bits from sitting on a wrong chair for writing at a table laden with piles of paper at precarious angles but all in spots of note and to hand should they need to be rifled for a word or information, so awkward angles it had to be. In the midst of all that any plate or cup used was abandoned where it was put by my distracted hand. I went for a walk by the Thames but didn’t change out of the exercise gear afterwards and reeked as a result (still do). The washing up is lying in the sink stagnating. There is still a section to be dealt with, a new insert I have been mulling over, and it will join the manuscript OR NOT at daybreak tomorrow. After which washing must occur because I am off out to play with Bremner, Bird and Fortune for the purposes of laughter and satire.

*the copyedit is the version gone over by the person who tries to make sure your grammar isn’t too awful, unless it’s deliberately meant to be, and that your spellings are at least consistent and facts, such as you are using, are indeed facts…sometimes they put questions in the margins that are so maddeningly reasonable and obvious that you are obliged to throw the manuscript at the wall while cursing loudly…