home 1 May 2008
I have got the student home. It was weird to see the change in the poor fella the closer we got to Dublin. He started to answer work calls more and more. He began to frown. At least we continued to exchange a few words of Russian along the way – I like to add a bit of vocabulary every day to my meagre stash. He had a great chat with the taxi man who left us to Odessa airport and I was very very impressed. Also, because of that and the fact that we knew how to go about getting a cab properly now, we didn’t get ripped off. If only the same could be said of airports in general. In Budapest we had enough time to get indulge in a refreshment and as I didn’t have any local currency I offered euros and funnily enough it came to a round 10 – I checked the receipt and it said i should have got the guts of a euro back in the local coin but that was never offered and I just knew I wasn’t getting it either. Then I booked a flight from Dublin to Kerry on the internet, as I am opening a fine exhibition of paintings (Rebecca McLynn) and sculpture (Fidelma Massey) on Saturday night at the Greenlane Gallery in Dingle (CHECK IT OUT _ WONDERFUL WORK) and the Aer Arann site would not let me take the, unwanted and automatically added, travel insurance off the price of the ticket. MADDENING.
Home now and the duvet cover, which was green when it went on, is a mohair grey from Herself, who has colonised the bed over the last week. She is complaining loudly at her harsh treatment in general. And the Student is stuck into a football match on the telly. I am off first thing to London to record some Bremner, Bird and Fortune in London tomorrow and Himself is an agent again and off to Stratford-upon-Avon first thing. We’re not in Kansas anymore.