here we go again 1 January 2009
I cannot believe we are facing into another full year – I’m exhausted just thinking about it. And I’m also exhausted from the mini partying myself and Rich did last night in Minsk. We had a traditional Belarussian New Year’s Eve I think in that we cooked at home and went out at Midnight to cheer in 2009. I may also have appeared on local TV as I got myself in front of a camera and said ‘I’m a toruist, I’m Irish, Happy New Year’ in Russian. It was really sweet in the main square at midnight as a few hundred people had gathered to drink champagne and see the president’s speech (though we couldn’t hear a word cos the sound was very low on the big screen). Then we all counted down and everyone shouted and cheered. Elsewhere in the places we’ve visited over the last few years the populace has gone nuts with fireworks but not here – it was the popping of champanska bottles and general happy yelping. We went home to text all and drink some more and both of us are feeling it today (is each new year going to bring less abilitiy to Partay, we ask ourselves, even if that Partay is only the two of us!!!)
I hope you and yours had a calm or fun handover to 2009 (whichever was your wish) and will have a happy and fulfilling year.
We off onto the mean streets of Minsk now and by the look of that sky out there we’ll have snow.
Snovom Godom!