heat 6 November 2008
I write in praise of plumbers, or one particular one – the lad in charge of our pipes (oooh MATRON). We were to be without heat and water for three days and when we got home this evening, having fled to the theatre to be warm and use a loo that flushed, the heating was on! ‘tis done, well the first phase of it anyhow. What a great fellow he is. I won’t give out his name ‘cos he’s MINE, do you hear, all mine! Now, if only all the rest was coming in on, or ahead of, time I would be laughing my silly head off.
My Dad’s father was a plumber, so it’s clear to me now that I have an affinity with them, and am inclined to be fond…though I never met said Grandad, it must be admitted, and he had shuffled off his mortal coil before my entrance to the world…
Tomorrow tile shopping, very VERY early. That’ll be as satisfying as ordinary retail therapy, right?
So glad with the news from America – I take my hat off to ALL the voters who turned out in such numbers – you all know how passionate I am about people exercising their democratic right (no pun intended). I wish Mr Obama luck as he faces into the tough job ahead. I hope he will make as good a President as everyone feels he can be. (Plus, he’s gorgeous. Lovely combo.)