handsome 21 December 2009
Well, now. Richard often abandons me in the apartment of an afternoon so that I can write without distraction – that’s the excuse but he also, I am certain, just likes to GET AWAY awhile on his own, and no surprise…anyhow, today he went to his favourite spot, Klara Bara, and a pile of filmy students came including a few hotties (both male and female, I am assuming). After a while the waitress came over to him with a serviette on which was writ the legend ‘Hi, I am Vika. I want meet with you. You very handsome man. Call me’ and then a range of numbers. He was delighted (who wouldn’t be?) Eventually he asked the waitress who’d sent it and she pointed to a woman he said was a ’50 year old battle axe’ sitting with a man in the corner. I had to point out that I am about to have more than a nodding acquaintance with 50 in the next few years…