gutties 15 December 2009
It’s snowing heavily here in Odessa now and it has been lightly dusting a snowy place with snow all day. It’s all veh veh pretty BUT although The McLynn has travelled here swathed in warm and bulky clothes she only wore trainers on her feet – I feel the purchase of a pair of woolly boots coming on…
And the things you learn – had an excellent steak in Steak House tonight and the lad serving told us that most of the beef got sold out of the country till a decade or so ago and until then it was pig all the way and of course you’d never eat that less than cooked through or ‘well done’ and so it has taken till now to convince the populace that ot-eating thing) and still ‘medium rare’ is about the height of what might ever be asked for.
Slept 12 and more hours last night and woke up looking like a more wrecked person than a very VERY wrecked and wretched person might – eeek! Great sleep, though, just great…