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grim 26 October 2009

Bleddy HELL, what a day! I got out of the cot with a big, pointy, attitude-y, cross head on me and it went downhill from there. No idea why the crossness but I had it with me from 7.15am when I decided to tackle the day and make it count, at least writingwise. After that vaguely positive thought all else conspired to make me more grumpy and mess the rest of the week around. Work changed the schedule twice, which isn’t a new or even annoying thing and almost not to be taken seriously anymore as it’s just the way it IS but because I was being all efficient (and yes still CROSS) I changed my return flight also and had to pay twice for that even though in the end of all I had to change back to the original timings – that’ll larn me to be all on top of things. But I guess the real pisser is that I appear to have put on 4 lbs over the weekend – all because of 2 nights enjoying a few glasses of wine and ONE decent, cooked meal – so unfair. I was lower than a very low thing after I threw meself above on the weighing scale and saw the awful news and am now boycotting it (well, it might be weighing ‘heavy’ at the moment…vindictive piece of shite that it so clearly is) so all self esteem and being pleased with my bit of weight loss and new exercise regime was out the window and is still rambling round the garden even as I write.
Good things? The robins have returned and a huge black and white cat that strolls by every so often stopped and had a leisurely drink of water this evening and wasn’t too frightened by the (fat) sight of me staring at him. He’s a big handsome lump AND drank from a teacup and saucer planter that the G cat favoured greatly in the latter part of her life and which I’ll probably now never plant up as the felines like it so much.