grammar 17 November 2008
Which of us really knows anything about grammar any more – I think I may even be misspelling it right now. Anyhow, reason I bring it up is that I am being given homework by my Russian teacher that asks me to go through short paragraphs in English and show where the subject, object, predicate etc are – AND I CAN’T – I have forgotten the technical language for such things. It’s subsumed and has been mistreated and mauled for so long that I can’t even now trust myself to give the correct answer even when I am not bending the rules for my own purposes. Nightmare. How can I understand another language if I can’t even analyse my own?
Hasn’t helped that this week my brain has been a ball of mush (VERY poor concentration) and I can’t retain any useful info at all let alone a new challenge.
Holes in many walls of the house now – am hoping this is the final ‘worse before it gets better’ phase…