god squads 1 May 2013
some god or other seems to want me at the moment – and as long as it’s not in the forevermore, great hereafter way i guess that’s fine. i am a VERY lapsed type, though i do like a nice church or temple to spend a bit of contemplation time in – then again a good library can do the trick there too if generally a tiny bit lacking in iconography. i have had the parish ‘outreach’ committee call to the door wondering if i’d like to write a letter to the padre to tell him all about myself and where i live. and then, exiting the Tube in central London the Mormons were calling to me from the advertising walls by the escalators…although i sort of figured they were using the opportunity to piggy back on the fact that there’s a musical about them on in the West End? anyhow, for the moment, i am doing my worshipping at a universal and spiritual level through weeding my garden and talking to myself as i do – manifold pluses here, as the garden is getting a good old shave and tidy-up and i seem to know a lot of the correct answers to the questions i pose myself (or do i mean i know what i’d like to hear and i am the one surefire port of call for those answers)- whatever the reasons, it’s working…
Oh, and the cats are helping – brenda attacked my head at every opportunity from the top of a pergolas yesterday and alice left a hairball and some vom for me to step in. they have also generously fertilized the garden with shite…niiiiice…