fudge? 14 December 2008
I must apologise to those of you beyond the shores of Ireland and Great Britain because my main focus today was both the X Factor Final and, most especially, the semi final of Celebrity Come Dancing. Seems to me the latter show is that greatest thing on EARTH. People come on and might not be able to put one foot in front of the other, initially, but the journey is all entertainment and the sheer effort on everyone’s part is so heart-warming and the achievement for some so massive you can’t but be moved. The standard is SO high this year it’s untrue. Anyhow, at the end of tonight Tom (an actor) should have left the competition (in my opinion) but the hosts, during the special results show, were very careful to say everyone’s vote would count and be carried over to next week’s final AS WOULD ALL THREE COUPLES – a surprise to all…seems to me that the phone lines must have fecked up somehow and rather than risk trouble with the regulator the organisers have decided to leave all as is and go for a final with 3 rather than 2 couples…a fudge…
I’d‘ve loved JLS to win X Factor but Alex was magnificent and the lads are assured of a career now anyhow, surely? The final belonged to Louis Walsh who provided his boy/man bands West Life and Boyzone to sing with the finalists. I fantasise that, in real life, Louis cannot sing a note and, in fairness, I have never heard of him even trying out even as much as a bit of karaoke so I may be onto something there…
Great sense of urgency about the house today…am loving that…still don’t believe we’ll get there fully (does that mean that makeover programmes on tv might not be QUITE the truth???)
G Cat curled up with legs over head at the moment – a thing I’ll probably never achieve and also, probably, just as well that is (most likely) the case…oh dear, the very thought…and the picture it conjures…ooops, running for the loo now…